Sunday, January 29, 2012

Island Kids Academy- material

The following is a list of resources that I hope you find useful. Some of these sites are about science activities, some will answer your science questions that might arise from the children, and some have on-line resources such as videos. They appear in no particular order.

Science World Resources for Preschool. There are lots of links to cool sites from each of the lessons at the following site:

Recipe for Making Ice Cream

NASA for Kids:

BBC Kids

Steve Spangler Science

A company with ideas, inspiration and stuff to buy

An excellent article on: Science for Kids: How to raise a science-minded child by Gwen Dewar, 2009
She also has a wonderful blog that you can link to from here.

A possible website for ideas. There are some games but not really within the experiential learning model we talk about in this workshop, just a different style.

Now that you have had a chance to try things in your centre, I would love to hear about any ideas, suggestions, things that worked, things that didn't work (and how they could next time) aha! moments with you students.

Thank you for coming! If you have any suggestions for me on other workshops you may be interested in taking, please let me know.

Have fun!